Here’s a Worrying Sign That Could Signal Troubles Among Younger Workers

April 2024

We don’t usually report global news, but this one caught our eye. Every year, Gallup asks people in countries around the world to rate their current life on a scale of 1 to 100. They also were asked to give yes/no answers to whether they experience three positive and three negative emotions. The results then are averaged over three years to create this World Happiness Report.

Every year since the survey began, the United States has ranked in the top 20–but not this year. Now it’s 23rd. Even more concerning, the rankings get worse the younger the respondents are. While Americans over 60 ranked 10th worldwide in happiness, U.S. citizens aged 30 and under ranked 62nd. 

Gallup also found that, in most parts of the world, happiness declines with age. In North America, Australia, and New Zealand, it’s the younger folks who are more pessimistic.

Another Gallup survey found Americans generally feel good about their personal lives, but just about every “very satisfied” score has fallen between 2019 and 2023.

The moral: Building material dealers can’t do anything about student loan debt, divisive politics, global warming, and fear over never being able to buy a house, but dealers can at least recognize that young people do have a lot of concerns that could affect their work. Coaching younger workers on the great opportunities they have to advance at your company in the future may help counteract these concerns.

Welcome To EquiNova Capital

EquiNova Capital Partners LLC is the new company launched by Michael Collins and Walk Kurek following their years as Managing Directors of Building Industry Advisors. EquiNova invests private equity capital in middle-market companies and provides merger and acquisition advisory services. 

We Can Answer Your Most Pressing M&A Questions

  • How do the most active buyers in today’s market value my company?
  • What parts of the business should I change to improve its valuation?
  • When is the right time to sell?

These are questions that are commonly asked by the owners of building products manufacturers and distributors. Our work in selling and raising capital for companies puts us in a unique position to help answer these important questions. Regardless of when you might decide to approach the market, please contact me to have a confidential discussion about your company and ways to maximize its value for the owners. 

Michael Collins
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Cell 312-282-5462